Bullows Paint Equipment


Bullows 230 Pressure Feed Gun Maintenance

How to Maintain Your Bullows 230 Pressure Feed Spray Gun: A Step-by-Step Guide


The Bullows 230 Pressure Feed Spray Gun is a popular choice among industrial painters. Known for its ruggedness and top quality performance, it’s designed for tough, continuous operation. To ensure ongoing reliability and efficiency, regular maintenance is crucial. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to maintain your Bullows 230 Pressure Feed Spray Gun. 


Step 1: Gather Your Tools 

Before you begin, make sure you have all the necessary tools for maintenance. Each Bullows 230 Spray Gun comes with a maintenance kit, which should include all the tools you need for servicing your spray gun. 


Step 2: Disconnect the Spray Gun

Safety first! Always disconnect the spray gun from the air hose and paint hose before starting any maintenance work. This will prevent any accidental discharge of paint or pressurized air.


Step 3: Disassemble the Spray Gun

Disassemble the gun using your hands and the spanner that is provided in the box.

Step 4: Clean the Air Cap

The air cap is responsible for automizing the paint coming out of the nozzle. First submerge it in a suitable thinner for couple of minutes then clean it with the brush provided in the box. Make sure to properly clean all air hoes in the air cap and no hole is clogged by by dried paint.

Step 5: Clean Material Nozzle and Needle

The nozzle and needle are a critical component of the spray gun, and it’s important to keep them clean for optimal performance. First submerge both in thinner and then use the provided brush to gently remove any paint residue from the nozzle.


Step 4: Check the Air Passage and Air Valve

The Bullows 230 achieves its performance through a large smooth-flowing air passage and an oversized air valve. Ensure these are clear and functioning properly. If you notice any blockages or damage, they may need to be cleaned or replaced.


Step 5: Inspect the Spray Pattern Valve & Paint Flow Control Valve

The Spray Pattern & Paint Flow Control Valve, located at the rear of the gun, allows for quick and accurate setting of desirable pattern and paint flow output. Check this valves for any signs of wear or damage. If necessary, replace it to ensure fine control over your spray patterns.


Step 6: Reassemble and Test

Once you’ve cleaned and inspected all the components, reassemble the spray gun. Reconnect it to the air hose and paint reservoir, then conduct a test spray on a scrap piece of material. Adjust the air pressure and fluid flow settings as needed for your specific project3.



Remember, regular maintenance of your Bullows 230 Pressure Feed Spray Gun will ensure its longevity and keep it performing at its best. Happy painting!

Always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions and safety guidelines when maintaining your spray gun. This guide is intended as a general overview and may not cover all specific maintenance requirements for the Bullows 230 Pressure Feed Spray Gun.


Experience the Bullows Advantage Today  

Contact us today to learn more about Bullows Spray Guns, Tanks & Paintshop Accessories and how they can revolutionize your industrial coating applications. Experience precision, efficiency, and reliability like never before with Bullows – your trusted partner for excellence in spray gun technology. 


     Phone No.: +91 84339 30782 / +91 73910 70062 

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