Bullows Paint Equipment


Bullows Pressurized feed & Flush System

Enhancing painting : Bullows Pressurized feed & flush System


 In the dynamic world of painting and surface finishing, efficiency isn’t just a luxury it’s a necessity. From residential projects to large-scale industrial applications, every spray counts, and so does the cleanup afterwards. That’s where Bullows Pressurized Feed and Flush System steps in, transforming the way professionals in the painting industry approach painting with cleanup and maintenance.


 The Traditional Cleanup Challenge:

 Traditional cleanup methods in the painting industry often involve time-consuming and labour-intensive processes. Whether it’s cleaning paint sprayers, brushes, or equipment, removing residual paint and cleaning up can be a messy, arduous task. Not only does this slow down productivity, but it also adds to labour costs and increases downtime between projects.


Enter Bullows: The Game-Changer:

 Bullows Pressurized Feed and Flush System offers a revolutionary solution to the cleanup conundrum faced by painters and surface finishers. By harnessing the power of pressurized thinner, Bullows streamlines the cleanup process, making it faster, more efficient, and less labour-intensive.

The system comprises paint feed tank and the cleaning solvent feed tank. The paint is fed to the spray gun while painting operation is going on. The cleaning solvent can be flushed within no time through the paint hose and spray gun by just change of valve lever.



  • Turn the air supply ‘ON’.
  • Adjust the Air Pressure at the FRC unit.
  • Set a 3-way valve position for paint flow as per valve position instruction affixed on the trolley.
  • Fine-tune atomizing Air Pressure and Fluid Air Pressure to achieve the right pattern and atomization, at the connected spray gun.
  • After painting, set the 3-way valve position to solvent flow, and pull the trigger of the gun. The paint passages are flushed clean.

Key Features & Benefits: 

  • Speed and Efficiency: With Bullows, cleanup time is drastically reduced. Its pressurized feed and flush system efficiently removes residual paint from equipment, brushes, and surfaces, allowing professionals to move seamlessly from one project to the next without unnecessary delays.


  • Precision Cleaning: Say goodbye to stubborn paint buildup and hello to pristine surfaces. Bullows’ pressurized water jets penetrate deep into crevices and tight spaces, ensuring thorough cleaning without the need for harsh chemicals or abrasive scrubbing.


  • Cost Savings: By minimizing cleanup time and reducing the need for manual labor, Bullows helps painting professionals save on operational costs. With fewer hours spent on cleanup, businesses can maximize productivity and profitability.


  • Environmental Sustainability: Bullows is not only efficient but also eco-friendly. By using water instead of chemical solvents for cleanup, Bullows reduces the environmental impact of painting operations, making it a greener choice for environmentally-conscious businesses.


  • Versatility: Whether you’re a residential painter, a commercial contractor, or an industrial surface finisher, Bullows Pressurized Feed and Flush System is versatile enough to meet the demands of any project. Its adaptable design and reliable performance make it an invaluable asset in any painting arsenal.




In an industry where time is money and efficiency is paramount, Bullows Pressurized Feed and Flush System stands out as a game-changer. With its innovative technology, streamlined cleanup process, and cost-saving benefits, Bullows is
revolutionizing the way painting professionals work.

Say goodbye to the hassle of traditional cleanup methods and hello to a new era of efficiency with Bullows Pressurized Feed and Flush System. Experience the difference for yourself and elevate your painting game to new heights.


 Experience the Bullows Advantage: 

Contact us today to learn more about Bullows Spray Guns, Tanks & Paintshop Accessories and how they can revolutionize your industrial coating applications. Experience precision, efficiency, and reliability like never before with Bullows – your trusted partner for excellence in spray gun technology..  


     Phone No.: +91 84339 30782 / +91 73910 70062 

Mail ID: sales@bullows.com 
Website: www.bullows.com 
WhatsApp: https://lnkd.in/dn2M7X_c 

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